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Although Fairbanks is known throughout the year for offering cold temperatures and long, sunny days, there are also many months that offer pleasant weather and long, warm days. A major benefit of its location at northern latitudes is that nearly 20 hours of daylight are available every day during the summer, and the skies are much darker in the winter. There is no doubt that summer is the most ideal time for wildlife viewing, outdoor activities, and cruises, as well as RVing and other leisure activities. Generally, the winter season brings lower prices, but there are a number of special winter activities that attract visitors, including the opportunity to view the aurora borealis (the Northern Lights), ski, mushing, and ice fishing. A pleasant climate can be found in the spring and fall, however less people flock to the area with the cooler weather causing fewer cruises and passenger flights.

Photo tundra on alaska

Image Source: galynaandrushko at Freepik